8 March 2021

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Claire Stephenson talks about International Women’s Day, where we acknowledge the challenges that women face on a global level for equality but also recognise achievements and gains that have been made.


International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day, where women from across the world are celebrated for their social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It is an annual event which is marked on the 8th March for well over 100 years now. The focus of IWD is centred around highlighting women’s achievements, whilst continuing to raise our voices and awareness over the barriers that women face. Barriers include the greater equality for women and the speeding up of gender parity in the workplace and beyond. These are still areas of concern for many countries.

This year’s theme is Choose To Challenge. The focus is directed towards calling out gender bias and inequality whilst encouraging women to use their voices collectively to increase inclusivity and balance. There are global events occurring all month for International Women’s Day. The pandemic has seen and events transfer to online rather than in-person like in previous years. The upside to this however, is that a more global conversation can be had on these crucial issues. Grassroots work is essential to challenge for gender parity on a more global level.

Women have been stood at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic since its unwelcome arrival. From critical health care staff, to women with caring responsibilities at home during lockdown, to political leadership, women have shown strength and resilience. However, the crisis has highlighted the disproportionate inequalities that women already faced prior to the pandemic. The economic, emotional and social impacts of COVID-19 have only added to existing inequality.


Analysis has been carried out recently by UN Women and UN Development Programme. They suggest that in 2021, around 435 million women and girls will be living on less than $1.90 a day. This will include 47 million who have been pushed into poverty as a result of COVID-19. 

The UN also raised concerns during the first wave of the pandemic, stating that COVID-19 risked increasing inequalities for women. The UN’s senior gender adviser, Nahla Valji, said:

“There is no single society where we’ve achieved equality between men and women, and so this pandemic is being layered on top of existing inequalities, and it’s exacerbating those inequalities.”

Nahla Valji

Limitless Public Relations

At Limitless, we currently have 61 people both at Associate and Director level. Out of this, there are 44 women and 17 men. All of our people at Limitless are senior, as every single one has a minimum of 10 years’ professional experience.

We’re proud of our 100% collaborative culture, which is based around an agreed framework. There’s no top-down management at Limitless and we all set our own commitments. We confidently lay our trust entirely on the exceptional personal talent of our majority-female team to ensure that we deliver our professional services to the very highest standards achievable.

On International Women’s Day, it’s a great time to reinforce our commitment to gender parity within Limitless. We’ll ensure that gender equality is a strong, positive and continuing feature within our network of people.

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