
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

The Brief

Reducing accidents among people aged over 65 was highlighted as one of the priorities of a multi-agency accident prevention strategy that was developed by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council in consultation with local stakeholders and residents of Blackburn and Darwen.


With a campaign built around the concept FALLSTOP, used as a verb in colloquial terminology, for example: “I just Fallstopped my dad’s home”, roll out included leaflets and posters distributed to public venues, bus stop posters, PR built around interviews with fall survivors, roadshow information events, radio advertising, digital ads and social media.

Results – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

The campaign provided a 62% increase in referrals into the Wellbeing Service for falls prevention, compared to previous quarters.

Leah Maguire, Account Manager People, Corporate Communications, said: “With a multi-faceted brief including core-messaging, branding, design, print, advertising, event management and PR, we were very pleased at the outcome of our FALLSTOP campaign to help reduce the number of falls amongst older people in Blackburn and Darwen, which went on to reach the finals of the Northern Marketing Awards.”

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